State your name and the city you're RepN?
*Born: Amiel Brandon Cortez, pseudoalias= Hiprockr, Millions, Asata One, Aim

Your style in a nutshell?
*TASTE MAKER- Nuff Said!"Im mister this aint out yet"- K.West Im a mash up of influences, heavy japanese street tendencies, blended with a los angeles spirit, creating style on ice, smoothed out with optical luxurys, rockin fly kicks, producing a swag and a smerk. Catch me if you can.
What magazines on the shelf today do you feel best represent street culture?
*Samurai, Beautiful Decay, Tokion
Trends you wish would die?
Favorite sneaker brand(s)?
*Supra, Supra, Supra, Supra
Since we already know EMORTAL and what you're about, what can consumers expect from the label in 2008?
* I cant leak my assassins creed, but in 08' we takin the cake. Emortal is in fast forward mode creating a new collection set to release at Magic Show in August. This February's Magic we will be in attendance but not taking orders at the moment, we at Emortal have decided to make our dreams a reality, thus we have planted seeds to grow a new entity providing taste makers true shine.
Any Big movements? Collaborations?
*Yes, but if I speak of such, my superstitious mindset might play a jinx on my endeavors. Zippppppp.... mouth shut.Big Things Poppin' Show n' Provepeep the Live Mechanics blog section to see for yourself.